Innovation Archive
The Leap of Faith team has been innovating in healthcare for decades. Explore our previous projects we have used as launchpads for improving outcomes and empowering providers.
Over 30 Years of Innovation in Healthcare
1990: Leap of Faith is Founded
Leap of Faith is founded by Barb Rapchak with the mission of improving patient outcomes through innovative adherence tools.
September 1993: E-Learning Platform for Occupational Health Developed
Leap of Faith founder, Barb Rapchak, receives a $50K grant from the National Cancer Institute for @ware, an e-learning tool for occupational health.
December 1995: Cancer Detection Risk Assessment Tool Developed
Leap of Faith receives a $90K grant from the National Cancer Institute for Thinkhealth, a risk assessment tool and Website to promote screening and early detection of breast cancer among the general population.
1995: IMO Partnership Begins
After partnering to develop Thinkhealth, Leap of Faith and Intelligent Medical Objects (IMO) begin a partnership that will lead to years of collaboration, specifically by incorporating IMO’s comprehensive ontology services into future Leap of Faith innovations.
March 2000: Immunization Registry Developed
Leap of Faith receives a $100K grant from the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development for immun.com, an Internet-based immunization registry and Website that offers both patient and provider portals, enhancing compliance initiatives.
June 2000: 1,000-Person Behavioral Study Completed
Leap of Faith receives an additional $745K grant for @ware and completes a 1,000 person study where subjective norms and perceived behavioral control — important predictors of healthy behavior— increased significantly.
June 2000: 750-Person Women's Health Study Completed
Leap of Faith receives an additional $750K grant from the National Cancer Institute and completes a study of 750 women, reducing anxiety about mammograms and strengthening intentions to maintain a screening regimen.
December 2000: Genetic Counseling Tool for Breast Cancer Detection Developed
Leap of Faith receives a $105K grant for Heredity.net, a genetic counseling tool for hereditary breast cancer. Heredity.net was developed to meet the need for an educational tool to facilitate risk comprehension and informed decision making, and as an aid to limited counseling resources.
October 2002: DHHS's Early Backing of eMedOnline's Telemedicine Capabilities
Leap of Faith began its journey with eMedOnline through support from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (Washington D.C.). The grant facilitated the platform's telemedicine capabilities, aiming to improve medication adherence and patient self-efficacy, especially among the elderly.
August 2003: eMedOnline's Telemedicine Evolution with NIA
Leap of Faith collaborated with the National Institute on Aging (Baltimore) to refine eMedOnline, emphasizing its telemedicine capabilities for medication management. By harnessing modern technology, the platform showcases the promise of digital interventions in healthcare.
August 2003: A Decade-long Commitment to eMedOnline by NIA
The National Institute on Aging (Baltimore) granted Leap of Faith an extended period of support for eMedOnline, a telehealth medication management system that seeks to improve the lives of the elderly by ensuring medication adherence. This platform stands as a testament to the power of digital health interventions in improving patient outcomes.
September 2003: 500-Person Immunization Study Completed
Leap of Faith receives a $745K grant for immun.com. The registry was found to meet or exceed 100% of U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) requirements. The patient education Website had a long-term positive effect on parents’ attitudes about immunizations in a two-year study involving over 500 parents.
December 2003: Community Health Platform Developed
Leap of Faith receives a grant for @utreach, a community based web application that matches volunteer healthcare assets in the community with social need.
September 2004: Education & Intervention Platform Developed
Leap of Faith receives a $910K grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for @neWorld, an award winning educational and social support intervention that uses the Internet as a community-building tool for hospitals and schools.
October 2004: Enhancing Clinical Trials through eMedOnline
Leap of Faith secured funding from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (Washington D.C.) to advance eMedOnline, a medication management system tailored for clinical trials. This initiative aims to enhance patient adherence and optimize the clinical trial process.
March 2005: Pediatric Clinical Trial Completed
Leap of Faith receives an additional $105K grant for @neWorld. Efficacy testing in a clinical trial with pediatric cancer patients demonstrated that @neWorld has a positive effect on school achievement and self esteem, and reduces behavioral problems.
October 2005: DHHS's Support for Clinical Medication Management
The United States Department of Health and Human Services (Washington D.C.) issued a grant to Leap of Faith for the development of eMedOnline, a system designed for effective medication management in clinics. Leveraging digital technologies, the platform aims to improve patient outcomes and medication adherence.
October 2005: DHHS Investment in eMedOnline Telehealth
Leap of Faith was awarded a grant by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (Washington D.C.) for eMedOnline, a telehealth medication management system that facilitates a shared dialogue on adherence and clinical outcomes. The platform's ability to foster semantic interoperability plays a pivotal role in streamlining healthcare workflows.
September 2006: eMedOnline's Collaboration with National Cancer Institute
Leap of Faith received a grant from the National Cancer Institute (Rockville) to develop eMedOnline, a digital health platform aimed at improving medication adherence through a telephone-based management system tailored for clinical trials. By mapping clinical standards for interoperability, this project has the potential to significantly enhance medication management across varied healthcare systems.
2017: Elimu Partnership Begins
Leap of Faith partners with Elimu to provide integrated solutions for data visualization and clinical decision support. Elimu’s platform enables actionable insights, improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
2020: Suki Partnership Begins
Leap of Faith partners with Suki to offer an AI-powered assistant that simplifies administrative tasks, including note generation. It reduces the burden of documentation, freeing providers to focus more on patient care.
2022: HealthLab Partnership Begins
Leap of Faith partners with Mike GIllam, MD and his company, HealthLab. HealthLab's robust platform allows LOF partners to manage and leverage healthcare data at a massive scale effectively.
2023: Abstractive Health Partnership Begins
Leap of Faith partners with Abstractive Health to provide powerful tools to extract valuable information from health documents and records using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning.