Risk Comprehension for Hereditary Breast Cancer
Heredity.net, a web-based genetic counseling tool specifically designed for women at risk of hereditary breast cancer.
An Aid to Limited Counseling Resources
While most women with a family history of breast cancer may not carry BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, research shows their strong interest in genetic testing and their exaggerated perception of disease risk.
With funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), this tool has been rigorously tested and has demonstrated significant improvements in risk comprehension among women in a six-month study.
Heredity.net is a web-based tool specifically designed for women at risk of hereditary breast cancer. It serves as an educational resource and counseling aid, providing valuable information to enhance risk comprehension and facilitate informed decision-making regarding genetic testing.
Many women with a family history of breast cancer exhibit an exaggerated perception of their own risk for the disease.
Heredity.net aims to bridge this knowledge gap by providing accurate information, dispelling misconceptions, and helping women gain a realistic understanding of their hereditary breast cancer risk.
Through a six-month study involving 82 women, Heredity.net has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving risk comprehension for hereditary breast cancer.
By using this web-based tool, women can gain a clearer understanding of their genetic risk, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding genetic testing and their overall breast cancer risk management.